A little
about me
I’m Esther, just a girl from the North that was transplanted to the South. I have found that I was made for the friendly Southern culture but not the southern temperature and so I am extremely thankful for the invention of air conditioning!
My aim is “to serve the purpose of God in my own generation” (Acts 13:36) and hopefully inspire others to do the same.

From Heart to Paper
Years ago, a teacher asked me if I ever considered becoming a writer, but I got married and gave birth to five precious children instead. Four of them are now grown and on their own, one is in heaven, and God has blessed us with our youngest daughter through adoption. I am truly and abundantly blessed.
The house is quieter now than it was thirty years ago, so I have picked up my pen. I write about life from my viewpoint, always striving to see Jesus in the details of my story. I believe that is the way to truly bring glory to Him.